This series explores geometric abstraction and bold colour inspired by the Russian Constructivists who renounced abstract painting in favour of working with industrial materials in space. For them, ‘Construction’ was seen to have connotations of technology and engineering and therefore to be characterised by economy of materials, precision, clarity of organisation and the absence of superfluous elements.

Constructivist earrings

aluminium, stainless steel, 925 silver

Image: Andrew Sikorski

Constructivist earrings

Aluminium, stainless steel, 925 silver

Image: Andrew Sikorski

Constructivist bracelet and earrings

titanium, aluminium, stainless steel, 925 silver

Image: Andrew Sikorski

Constructivist bracelet

titanium, aluminium, stainless steel

Image: Andrew Sikorski

Hidden Line necklace

titanium, aluminium, stainless steel

Image: Andrew Sikorski

Hidden Line necklace

titanium, aluminium, stainless steel

Image: Andrew Sikorski

Cubist studs

titanium, aluminium, 925 silver

Image: Andrew Sikorski

Constructivist Cuff links

Aluminium, titanium, stainless steel

Image: Andrew Sikorski